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Here is a list of ORM from awesome-crystal

  • avram - A database wrapper for reading, writing, and migrating Postgres databases. (Only Postgres)
  • clear - ORM specialized to PostgreSQL only but with advanced features (Only Postgres)
  • crecto - Database wrapper, based on Ecto
  • granite - ORM for Postgres, Mysql, Sqlite
  • - Active Record pattern implementation with flexible query chainable builder and migration system
  • ohm-crystal - Object-hash mapping library for Redis (Only Redis)
  • onyx-sql - DB-agnostic SQL ORM with beautiful DSL and type-safe Query builder
  • rethinkdb-orm - ORM for RethinkDB / RebirthDB (Only RethinkDB / RebirthDB)
  • stal-crystal - Set algebra solver for Redis

Runcobo prefers to use, you can check its docs and api.